Hello & Welcome!
As a grandmother, mother, wife, daughter, immigrant, citizen, musician, healer, neighbor and friend, I know how hard -- perhaps unbearable at times -- life can be. At the same time however, life is very precious.
This world is a chaotic place, yet full of harmony and beauty.
As human beings, we all have a common desire to be happy and healthy and joyous, with as little pain as possible in our minds, bodies and spirits.
I offer Integrated Healing to help on life’s journey to self-kindness and awareness. It is a journey of healing and awakening to our already present preciousness and a healthier relationships within ourselves and with others.
Integrated Healing is a combination of Reiki, Polarity and Integrated Kabbalistic Healing within the concept of Nonduality. With this multidimensional modality, each session gets individually tailored to the needs of each person, as they present themselves in each session.
Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP), Nondual Kabbalistic Healer (NKH), BMUS in Piano Performance & Pedagogy