Contact Rita @ 248-701-9844 or to schedule your appointment today!

Integrated Healing:

A unique blend of Reiki, Polarity Therapy and Kabbalistic Healing



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As a grandmother, mother, wife, daughter, immigrant, citizen, musician, healer, neighbor and friend, I know how hard -- perhaps unbearable at times -- life can be. At the same time however, life is very precious.

This world is a chaotic place, yet full of harmony and beauty.

As human beings, we all have a common desire to be happy and healthy and joyous, with as little pain as possible in our minds, bodies and spirits.

I offer Integrated Healing to help on life’s journey to self-kindness and awareness. It is a journey of healing and awakening to our already present preciousness and a healthier relationships within ourselves and with others.

Integrated Healing is a combination of Reiki, Polarity and Integrated Kabbalistic Healing within the concept of Nonduality. With this multidimensional modality, each session gets individually tailored to the needs of each person, as they present themselves in each session.



Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP), Nondual Kabbalistic Healer (NKH), BMUS in Piano Performance & Pedagogy





  • Reiki

  • Polarity Therapy

  • Integrated Kabbalistic Healing (IKH)

  • The Dynamic Process

  • The Work of Return

About Reiki

A healing technique based on the principle that therapists can channel energy into a client by means of touch, to activate natural healing processes of the body and restore emotional and physical well-being.

Reiki is a whole and complete energy system. It can be used anytime, any place, for any condition(s). This vital flowing energy is the basis for the continuity of life as we know it. Reiki is taught in many different ways with varying degrees and/or levels; it is presented here as a system containing three degrees and 4 levels.


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About Polarity Therapy

A systemic knowledge of energy flow based on the five natural elements and seven primary energy centers or Chakras. Polarity Therapy is based on orthodox anatomy and physiology as well as the energy anatomy of the human body. Polarity Therapy involves the skillful application of bodywork techniques to promote harmonious life function. Polarity Therapy addresses physical, mental, emotional and spiritual patterns of being.


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About Integrated Kabbalah Healing (IKH)

A profoundly transformative and deeply nourishing form of healing. It integrates the wisdom of Kabbalah and the Tree of Life, Buddhism along with modern psychological insights. To engage with IKH is to be in a relationship with all that means to be a human being, living a fully human life.

Kabbalah is a wonderful tool for looking at how we make the world over in our own image. It is not a series of books and theories; rather a course in experience, it asks us to be awake, to engage, and to awaken to that engagement. We study Kabbalah to learn to love life and honor every piece of it, and to see its presence in every way. Kabbalah speaks to our fundamental desire to know what life is all about. From this perspective, the reason to study Kabbalah is practical and human. It lessens the distance between ourselves and others. It lets us see the origins of what truly nourishes us.


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Call/Text (248) 701-9844 or

About The Dynamic Process

Most of us live -to varying degrees-in a world of shadows, unaware of our true nature, our true abilities, and our true place in the universe. We substitute the unreal for the real, material goods for spiritual goodness, and let the least parts of ourselves dictate most of our behavior. Our deepest hopes and dreams become distorted versions of what we really want. The world itself becomes somewhat unreal and threatening.

So, we try to manipulate the world-including ourselves and others-in an attempt to constantly adjust our level of safety. The problem is that our ideas of true safety are dictated to us by this smallest piece of our consciousness,the part that is most afraid. Put another way, often our efforts to solve conflicts in the world don’t start with solving the conflict in ourselves.

The Dynamic Process was created in 2003 as a way of working with conflict. Whether that conflict is inner, as in deep physical, psychological, and spiritual dissonance, or external, in the form of political conflict of any type, the "Nondual Process for Conflict Resolution" offers a unique, personal process that affects the outer world as well as the inner world. Every person who deals with conflict is dealing with two worlds at one: the outer world-which seems to be beyond our control, and the inner world-which also seems to be beyond our control. So change, whether inner or outer, can feel impossible.

As a spiritual tool, the Dynamic Process takes the person themselves as the starting point for any change. It is is a training tool and the exercise machine that changes who we are. The person who begins a session is not the same one who finishes it. By doing the Process, we are transformed and enlarged, enlarged enough to see who we are in our small and great aspects, and to accept it all.


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Call/Text (248) 701-9844 or


Dynamic Process classes

Center For Illumination

About The Work of Return

The Work of Return is a method for working with physical, emotional and spiritual symptoms. It was created by Jason Shulman in 2005.

It can help with physical problems- even long-term ones such a chronic pain- and in addition, is a powerful method for working with emotional and psychological difficulties, such as anxiety, depression and other problems of human life. Through a system of certain type of movement, a certain pattern of using the voice and specific way of breathing, the Work of Return, will lead you deeper and deeper into yourself so that the symptoms no longer have any symbolic value. A symbol is something that stands in for something else. Strangely, suffering that is not symbolic is simply suffering, and such suffering is easier to bear and does not interfere as mush with the life force.

In addition, symbols are things from the past: when we are not engaged in symbolic behavior, we are in the present moment, body, mind and spirit.


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Call/Text (248) 701-9844 or


During our sessions, we may discuss the major stresses in your life, belief system, health history, childhood and other issues that have an influence on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

I may recommend some dietary or lifestyle changes, which you may implement if you choose.

I am not a physician or psychotherapist and do not diagnose diseases or prescribe drugs.

At all times your healing is your responsibility. I am available to assist you in this process, be your committed listener and your mirror. I do not advise you to discontinue any medical treatment you may be receiving. My work is intended to be in harmony with any other healing work that you undertake, including traditional medicine.

Please feel free to discuss our work with your doctor. I may discuss, in confidence, our work together with a professional supervisor or professional peer.

I may recommend a schedule for treatment; however, there is never an obligation to continue treatment.

I appreciate as much notice as possible if you have to reschedule an appointment, but require 24-hour minimum notice by phone or text. Missed appointments without a 24-hour minimum notice, regardless of the reason, will be charged a full fee. Phone or video calling sessions are available, if an in-person session is not available.


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«October 2024»

Have a group interested in a Reiki I, II, or III class?

Contact Rita.


Ongoing Group Classes for Nonduality and Kabbalistic Healing

For dates and times, contact Rita.

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7115 Orchard Lake Rd Ste. 140
West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322
